Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Super Excited

So, once you have a kid, the things you get excited over change direction a bit. Things you would have thought totally lame before are suddenly fun. For example:

Matching family pajamas.

I bought these last year from Gymboree for an outrageous amount of money. I thought that we would never wear them again, but I was just looking at the Gymbo website and they have the same style again this year! Last year, Gavin had the two piece set, but I think we need the footies this time.

My sister is going to be with us for Christmas this year. So, do I buy her a pair, too? :)

1 comment:

Ruebchensmum said...

Hi Pam, thanks for your visit on my blog. I love to know who my readers are and I just fell in love with this pyjama picture.
You are absolutely right, having children changes your life and attitudes. But you are just lovely in your pyjamas even if you would not have bought them some years ago. *lol*
