My husband finally got my Photoshop working, so I made my first template! If you'd like to grab the template I used for my "I love this face" layout click here.
If anyone uses it, I'd love to see your work.
If anyone uses it, I'd love to see your work.
I really like the style over at Three Paper Peonies. A few days ago, I grabbed the ADORE paper collection and had to get to work on a layout right away. The challenge attached to these papers is to do a layout featuring a loved one. These are pics of Gavin in the bath on 11/10/2009. Who wouldn't fall in love with that face? :)
My Photoshop is acting wonky right now, but if I can get it working long enough, I'm going to turn this layout into a template.
Matching family pajamas.
I bought these last year from Gymboree for an outrageous amount of money. I thought that we would never wear them again, but I was just looking at the Gymbo website and they have the same style again this year! Last year, Gavin had the two piece set, but I think we need the footies this time.
My sister is going to be with us for Christmas this year. So, do I buy her a pair, too? :)
It's hard to get a picture of us together looking at the camera, so it was a surprise that I got this one!
My husband, Levi, is traveling for work, so his normal bath-time duties fell to me tonight. While it isn't a terribly difficult mom-duty, it's not one that I really (usually) enjoy. Honestly, I skip it a night or two when Levi's out of town and Gavin hasn't done anything too messy.
When Levi's home, this is my quiet time to read a bit, watch a few minutes of non-baby friendly tv, and just veg out. Gavin's been having an off and on fear of the shower, too, so you never know if it's going to be a total tear fest, or if he's going to want to stay in until he's a prune.
Tonight was a good night, though. We checked out, lined up, and tossed around all of his rubber ducks. And there was a whole lot of coloring on the tub and shower walls. :)
The paper curls and stitching are by Gunhild Storeide.
The font used on the header is Elephants In Cherry Trees from Kevin & Amanda's Fonts for Peas. I figured out how to design my own blog graphics by using Amanda's tutorial, too!